Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Informasi Penerimaan CPNS di Lingkungan Departemen Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat

Number: UM.01.03.SM / IX/357

Ministry of Housing of the Republic of Indonesia opened the opportunity
for the citizens of the Republic of Indonesia to be a Candidate Public Servant
Civil, with the following provisions:


1. Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, the State devoted to God Almighty,
loyal and obedient to the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and the Republic of
2. Of good character and never convicted jail or prison
based on court decisions that have permanent legal force, and the
must be proved by Certificate of Police of police record.
3. No status as a candidate for Civil Servants or Civil Servants
Civil, and not being bound by contracts with agencies working
4. Physical and spiritual health.
5. Willing to be placed in the territory of the Republic


1. Certified Master / Master (S2) derived from university
Height / State or Private Universities are accredited by the Board
National Accreditation, with the grade (IP) of at least 3:00, aged
least 18 years and the highest 35 years on December 1
2009 (born after November 30, 1974), with the field
education / department and the number of formations as follows:
S2 Law: 1 person
S2 Human Resources: 1 person

Number of Formation: 2 people
2. Three licensed Diploma (D3) and the Bachelor (S1) derived from university
Height / State or Private Universities are accredited by the Board
National Accreditation, with the grade (IP) of at least 2.75, aged
least 18 years and the highest 35 years on December 1
2009 (born after November 30, 1974), with the field
education / department and the number of formations as follows:

Legal S1: 3 people
S1 Architecture: 6 people
S1 Civil Engineering: 5 people
S1 Planning: 5 people
S1 Industrial Engineering: 1 person
S1 Economic Accounting: 1 person
S1 Economics Finance / Accounting: 4 people
Environmental Engineering S1: 1 person
Economic S1 manajamen: 5 people
S1 Aquatic Resource Management: 1 person
Communication S1: 2 people
S1 Psychology: 1 person
S1 Computers: 2 people
D3 Computer: 1 person


1. Para pelamar harus melakukan pendaftaran secara online mulai tanggal 1
S.d October October 14, 2009 through the website / site
http://sipp. kemenpera. and print the registration form that is
in accordance with the provisions contained in the website / site is ..
2. In addition to applying online through the website / site mentioned above,
the applicants must also send the application in duplicate 2 (two)
each of which contains the following requirements:
* Copy of certificate following S2 or S1 transcripts from university
State / Private who had been legalized by the Rector / Dean or by the officials
Education authorities in their respective high
* Copy of the TOEFL Institutional each valid (has
legalized) and published by the Institute of Language LIA or the Institute
other English language education with a minimum value of 450.
* New pass photos of 3 x 4 cm 3 pieces (only for
The first double application only).
* Copy of valid ID card.
* Willing to Pay Statement of Torts and stamped Rp. 6.000,00
(six thousand dollars) in accordance with the example that can be downloaded through
website / related sites.
* Provide home address / place to live that's clear and phone number
(home / hp) is easily reached.
* Yellow Card from Depnakertrans which is still valid.
3. Color map for applicants with education level S2 is Blue, to
S1 education level is yellow, and for education level D3 is
Green and shipped in a sealed envelope addressed to "Committee
Acceptance of Civil Service Candidates for Fiscal Year 2009 Ministry of State
Housing the People "began on October 1 and ends on October 14
2009 (seal / stamp of the post), with address PO Box 211 JKTM 12700 Jakarta.
4. The Committee will only accept the applicant's documents in accordance with the date of
has been determined and does not serve the file transfer application submitted
before and after that time period and / or sent by
5. Online registration will be processed for the Selection of Administrative
after the Committee received the applicant's documents and the results can be seen by the
applicants through the website / http://sipp site. kemenpera.

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